Copyright and Licenses

Music copyright designates legal ownership of a musical piece. It includes exclusive rights of the owner, including reproducing, redistributing the work, etc. The major rights include:


Making copies of the copyrighted work.

Derivative Works

Often referring to making new musical pieces based on the copyrighted work, or compositing the copyrighted piece into a larger work, such as videos, games, etc.


Selling copies of the copyrighted work.

Public Performance

Perform the work in public spaces such as bars, clubs, TV, radio, audio-streaming, etc.

Generally speaking, if your work is original piece, you obtain the copyright of the work automatically at the time it's fixed. If your work derives from other works, you would need sufficient original expressions to make it original. Originality is determined in court.

The copyright owner can give some of their rights to others through licenses. The parties receiving the license can use the rights granted by the license when they follow the terms and conditions specified by the license.

Can I download/remix/use commercialy a song on TuneFlow?

Whether it's generated by TuneFlow, or uploaded by other users, you can always find the "License" section under "Info" panel of the song. The section shows the license used by the song along with the right granted by the license.


You should always check with license provider yourself for the rights and conditions specified in the license.

I want to publish a song on TuneFlow, what license should I choose?

Before publishing the work, please make sure you have obtained the copyright of it. See "How to obtain copyright?" for more details.

Once you decide to publish, here are a few licenses you can choose from:

All Rights Reserved

This license does not grant any rights to others.

  • Can Play on TuneFlow
  • No Download
  • No Derivative Works
  • No Commercial Use

Creative Commons (CC)

  • CC BY 4.0
    • Can Download
    • Derivative Work Allowed
    • Commercial Use Allowed
    • Attribution Must be Given
    • Derivative Works May Use Other Licenses
  • CC BY-ND 4.0
    • Can Download
    • No Derivative Works
    • Commercial Use Allowed
    • Attribution Must be Given
  • CC BY-SA 4.0
    • Can Download
    • Derivative Work Allowed
    • Commercial Use Allowed
    • Attribution Must be Given
    • Derivative Works Must Use the Same or Compatible Licenses
  • CC BY-NC 4.0
    • Can Download
    • Derivative Work Allowed
    • No Commercial Use
    • Attribution Must be Given
    • Derivative Works May Use Other Licenses
  • CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    • Can Download
    • No Derivative Works
    • No Commercial Use
    • Attribution Must be Given
  • CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
    • Can Download
    • Derivative Work Allowed
    • No Commercial Use
    • Attribution Must be Given
    • Derivative Works Must Use the Same or Compatible Licenses


Refer to Creative Commonsopen in new window for the specific rights and conditions.

Public Domain

This license grants all rights to others:

  • Can Download
  • Derivative Work Allowed
  • Commercial Use Allowed
  • Attribution Not Required
  • Derivative Works Can Use Any License

What rights does TuneFlow own for my works?

TuneFlow needs to store and play your work, and when permitted, allow other users to play, download, remix, your work, etc. Therefore TuneFlow, by default, is granted but not limited to the rights to reproduce, make derivative works, distribute, and publicly perform your works. These rights are not affected by which license the user chooses for their works.

What are the things to know if I want to publish a song on TuneFlow?

  • You will not be able to change the content of the song after publishing it. To make edits, You can create a remix of the published song.
  • You can still make changes to the song title, license, style and other metadata after publishing it.
  • If the song violates the terms of use or other licenses(e.g. copying others' work or remixing without permission, etc.), the violating song's license will be invalidated and the song could be taken down.
  • Changes to license settings have no impact on events that already occured before the changes are made. (e.g. other users already remixed/downloaded the song, etc.)


TuneFlow is not a law firm, the above content are not legal advices.
